April 6, 2023


  1. Complete the 4/6 Bell Ringer.

    • Directions: Review the articles you contributed to The Horizon and consider your experiences during the production process. Answer the following questions with 2-3 sentence responses.

  2. Finish the 2-Day Article.

    • Directions: You and a partner will have two (2) class periods to gather information, conduct interviews with at least three people, and write a brief (250 words) article in the style of an inverted pyramid news piece. Your article should cover a school-related event or topic, such as a club, achievement, extracurricular, assembly, performance, or sports game. Remember to use the 5W's and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, and how) in your article to provide a clear and concise summary of the event or topic.

      • You will have two (2) days (Tuesday, April 4, and Thursday, April 6) to complete your third article.

  3. Complete the 4/6 Exit Ticket.

    • Directions: Reflect on the questions below. Ensure you answer in complete sentences that fully address every aspect of the question.


April 18, 2023


April 4, 2023