April 18, 2023
Step A: Locate Your Articles.
Find your 2-Day Article and 2-Day Article [4/11 & 4/13] in your Google Drive.
You are going to copy and paste these two (2) articles into a group Google Doc, so I can print all the articles fairly easily for a peer review.
I will review the brief Editing Presentation while you complete this.
★★Before you copy and paste your article★★
Every article should begin on a different page, even if they have the same author as the preceding article.
Insert →
Break →
Page Break
Step B: Print & Assign Peer Editing Groups.
I will print both your 2-Day Article and your 2-Day Article [4/11 & 4/13].
Once I have printed everyone’s articles from the group Google Doc, I will assign you to different peer review groups.
Step C: Complete Station #1.
Take a Peer Review Worksheet and complete Station #1. You have 10 minutes.
Step D: Complete Station #2.
Complete Station #2. You have 10 minutes.
Step E: Complete Station #3.
Complete Station #3. You have 10 minutes.
Step F: Revise the Article & Turn In the Peer Review Worksheet.
Revise your article
View the feedback from your peer.
Using their feedback, revise your article on the group Google Doc.
In 10 minutes, I will reprint your revised articles for another round of peer review.
Turn in your Peer Review Worksheet.
Turn in your completed Peer Review Worksheet into the blue basket.
Step G: Complete 2-Day Articles Peer Review #2.
Once you have completed Peer Review #1 for your 2-Day Articles, revise your 2-Day Article and 2-Day Article [4/11 & 4/13] on the group Google Doc so that I can easily reprint your new, revised article for this activity. I will assign you to different groups for this additional peer review.
Complete 2-Day Articles Peer Review #2.
Read each article carefully.
Write notes/feedback on the articles themselves.
Provide specific examples to support your feedback.
For example: If you notice an issue with an article's accuracy, highlight specific incorrect information and provide suggestions for how to correct it.
Ask clarifying questions if needed.
Step H: Revise Article & Turn In 2-Day Articles Peer Review #2.
View the feedback from your peers.
Using their feedback, revise 2-Day Article & 2-Day Article [4/11 & 4/13] for the 2nd time.
Drop your twice-revised article into the folder labeled REVISED 2-DAY ARTICLES [4/18].