April 4, 2023


  1. Complete the 4/4 Bell Ringer.

    • Directions: Brainstorm as many article ideas as you can about Skyline High School. Refer to the calendar, athletic pages, etc. Think about news, events, people, trends, and issues relevant to Skyline which would interest your readers.

  2. Begin the 2-Day Article.

    • Directions: You and a partner will have two (2) class periods to gather information, conduct interviews with at least three people, and write a brief (250 words) article in the style of an inverted pyramid news piece. Your article should cover a school-related event or topic, such as a club, achievement, extracurricular, assembly, performance, or sports game. Remember to use the 5W's and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, and how) in your article to provide a clear and concise summary of the event or topic.

      • You will have two (2) days (Tuesday, April 4, and Thursday, April 6) to complete your third article.

  3. Complete the Exit Ticket.

    • Directions: Reflect on the questions below. Ensure you answer in complete sentences that fully address every aspect of the question.


April 6, 2023


March 21, 2023