February 2, 2023


  1. Please complete the 2/2/3 Bell Ringer.

    • Directions: I will give you a free assignment (a “4” on any standard currently on Gradebook) if you provide proof that you’ve completed the Panorama Survey.

  2. Upload Transcribed Teacher Interview to the Interviews Google Doc.

  3. Complete the “Analyzing Inverted Pyramid Style” Assignment.

    • Part One Directions: After viewing the “News Writing Structure” presentation, find a reputable news organization and an article to analyze its use of the inverted pyramid.

    • Part Two Directions: After completing the above, draft a rough draft of your Article 1. You may need to fill in some portions of the graphic organizer later--with interviews, quotes, etc.--but begin to think about how you want to lay out and organize Article 1. 

  4. Begin writing Article 1.


February 7, 2023


January 31, 2023