January 27, 2023
Review the 5W’s and 1H Presentation.
Complete the Writing a Lead Assignment with your Article 1 Group.
Objective: To practice writing a clear and concise lead for a chosen article idea as a group.
Find your group for Article 1 (from the last class).
Each group will spend the first 15 minutes of this assignment researching and gathering information about the assigned topic or event.
Each group will spend 30 minutes working together to write a lead for their article. The lead should summarize the main point of the story in a clear and concise manner.
Once the lead is written, the group will share it with the class and receive feedback on its clarity and conciseness.
After the feedback, the group can revise their lead before moving on to the next step of the article writing process.
Deadline: The lead should be written and shared with the class during the 1/27 class period.