January 19, 2023
Review the Journalism I & II Disclosure.
Due date: January 24, 2023
Bell Ringer: Complete your Biography (began last class period).
Directions: As a journalist, it's important for your readers to know who you are and what qualifications you have to write about the topics you cover. For this assignment, you will be writing a short bio about yourself to include with your future articles and include a picture of yourself.
You will have 20 minutes to finish.
Note: If you do not complete the assignment, it is homework. Late assignments will be docked 10% for each day late.
Complete the News Interests Discussion.
Objective: This activity will give you an idea of the students' interests and understanding of journalism and encourage them to think critically and express their opinions. It also allows students to get to know each other and learn more about their classmates' interests and aspirations.
The class will be divided into small groups of 3-4 students.
Each group will be given a set of prompts related to journalism and news writing, such as:
"Name a current event you've been following and explain why it's important to you"
"Name a journalist or news organization you admire and explain why"
"What type of stories do you want to write and why?"
"What is an under-reported issue you wish more people knew about and why?"
"What is an example of a story that you think was handled poorly and why?"
"What is a current event that you think is being reported inaccurately and why?"
"What is a current event that you think has the potential to change the world and why?"
"What is a current event that you think is particularly important to your community and why?"
Briefly jot down your response to the prompt.
You will then be put in randomized groups to discuss your answers to the prompt.
Please complete the Historical Article Analysis Assignment.
Directions: Journalism plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of the world around us. News articles can inform, educate, and inspire, but they can also mislead and manipulate. The ability to critically analyze news articles and understand their significance is an important skill for any citizen. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to delve into a historical news article and uncover the impact it had on the events of its time.
You will need to find an article that has had a significant impact on history, and then answer the 5Ws and 1H questions about the article and briefly explain why it was significant. This assignment will help you understand the impact of journalism on historical events, and will give you the opportunity to practice your critical thinking and writing skills.