January 17, 2023


  1. Complete the Icebreakers Activity.

    • Each student will be given a blank index card.

    • On the index card, do not write your name. Instead, write, “I am passionate about…” and write something you are passionate about.

      • It could be a hobby, a sport, a social cause, etc.

    • Fold the index card into a small square.

    • I will collect the index cards and shuffle them.

    • Each person will be given an index card to guess which student the card belongs to. Move around the room until you find the original author of the index card.

    • When you find the person who wrote the card, have them explain why they are passionate about the topic they chose.

    • Briefly describe their verbal answer on the back of the index card. Make sure to include your name next to their explanation of why they are passionate about the topic.

  2. Write a Bio for The Horizon website.

    • Directions: As a journalist, it's important for your readers to know who you are and what qualifications you have to write about the topics you cover. For this assignment, you will be writing a short bio about yourself to include with your future articles and include a picture of yourself.
      Click here for more detailed instructions →

The original article in The New York Times


To prepare for your homework assignment, we will read two articles about The Pentagon Papers and complete Reading Historical Articles.

4. Now that you have read an example of a famous news article that changed history, please complete the Historical Article Analysis Assignment.

  • Directions: Journalism plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of the world around us. News articles can inform, educate, and inspire, but they can also mislead and manipulate. The ability to critically analyze news articles and understand their significance is an important skill for any citizen. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to delve into a historical news article and uncover the impact it had on the events of its time. 

    You will need to find an article that has had a significant impact on history, and then answer the 5Ws and 1H questions about the article and briefly explain why it was significant. This assignment will help you understand the impact of journalism on historical events, and will give you the opportunity to practice your critical thinking and writing skills.


January 19, 2023


November 29, 2022