October 25, 2022
Please complete the 10/21 & 10/25 Bell Ringer.
Directions: Pick one 8-sentence body paragraph you’ve written this quarter. It must not be an 8-sentence body paragraph we have written together. I recommend the LWD: Pages 35-69 assignment. Type your 8-sentence body paragraph on this Google Doc. Make sure to replace the words [in brackets] with your information.
Example: [Your Name] = Morgan Del Grosso
Complete the Quarter 1 Catch-Up Checklist.
Step One: Look and see if you have a grade for the assignment in Gradebook.
Step Two:
If you have a grade for the assignment on Gradebook: put a sticker on that assignment to check it off.
If you do not have a grade for that assignment on Gradebook (AKA if you haven’t turned it in or completed it): Complete the assignment. If it’s paper, take a picture and upload a picture of the completed assignment to Canvas and turn it into the basket (the blue tower!). If it’s digital, complete and submit it on Canvas.
Step Three: Repeat Steps 1 & 2 until you have checked off every assignment.
Once you have checked off every assignment, complete the GR #1.
Directions: You are going to revise another person’s 8-sentence body paragraph. This assignment has two aspects: completing the graphic organizer and making notes on your peer’s 8-sentence body paragraph.
Are you looking for an assignment?
Scan the QR code OR go to QUARTER 1 CATCH-UP →
After you have completed every assignment, check off the back with me! You will then be allowed to complete GR #1.
10/21 & 10/25 Bell Ringer
Anything not completed on the Quarter 1 Checklist
GR #1
Bell Ringer
Standard L.9-10.3: Understand how language functions in different contexts and utilize MLA format for English.Note: All bell ringers will be composed into a single composite proficiency score at the end of every quarter.
GR #1
Standard W.9-10.5: Plan for and revise writing for conventions, audience, and purpose.
Students will be able to identify and complete missing assignments from Quarter One.
Students will be able to identify analytical and technical writing mistakes.