October 31 & November 1, 2022


  1. Please complete the 10/31 & 11/1 Bell Ringer.

    • Directions: Read about the Winchester Mystery House below. While you read, underline words you don’t know, and highlight main ideas and/or important quotes to use as evidence. Stop and summarize each section in the boxes provided.

  2. Play Squid Game.

Squid Game


Squid Game is an activity where you will play a series of games for the chance to win a prize of your choice.

  • I will let the class choose the reward for the winner of Squid Game (within reason. I.e., the prize cannot be “automatically get an ‘A’” or “not have to do another assignment for the rest of the quarter.” I have the power to veto any prize without explanation).

  • The prize must be limited to Quarter Two.

  • There are six rounds of Squid Game.

  • Each round will have its own set of directions and objectives.

  • You will complete both as a team and individually during Squid Game, depending on the round.

  • If you or your team is eliminated: 

    • You are no longer eligible to win the grand prize.

  • However, you can return to the game: 

    • If you can catch another player cheating/breaking the rules/or you know you can beat another player at an activity, you can rejoin the game and once again become eligible for the grand prize.

Round 1

Individual Challenge

  • You will have 1 minute to complete this challenge.

  • When instructed to do so, click the link on today’s Module: “Squid Game: Round 1.”

    • Enter the access code.

  • Please place the 8-sentence body paragraph in order.

Round 2

Group Challenge

  • When instructed to do so, please arrange in groups of 8.

  • You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to find a group of 8, or else you will be eliminated.

After Arranging in Groups:

  • When instructed to do so, please flip over the pieces of paper given to you.

  • Please arrange the 8-sentence body paragraph in the correct order.

  • Then, stand behind the line to play Red Light, Green Light.

Red Light, Green Light

  • When I say “green light!” the person whose turn it is must move as close to the piece of paper in front of them as they can before I say “red light.”

  • If you move after I say “red light,” then you are eliminated.

  • Once you reach the paper, you must tape the same 8-sentence body paragraph to the paper in the correct order.

  • If you have placed the paragraph in the incorrect order, your entire team will be eliminated.

  • You can still fix your mistakes once you’ve reached the paper if you leave plenty of room between the different sentences, send the first person to glue the part of the paragraph you are most confident about first and send the person who understands the 8-sentence body paragraph the best last.

  • If you have been eliminated: You can rejoin the game by pointing out a player that moves after I have said: “Red Light” is cheating in some way, or if you identify a team that has placed the body paragraph in the correct order, you can resurrect yourself and 7 other people.

Round 3

Individual Challenge

  • You will have 7 minutes to complete this challenge.

  • When instructed to do so, click the link on today’s Module: “Squid Game: Round 3.”

    • Enter the access code.

  • Read the article, then please select and cite two quotes that best answer:

    What is the main idea of this article?

  • Ensure to introduce the quotes with a transition phrase and cite them in MLA.

  • If you have been eliminated: You can rejoin the game by citing better evidence than a player who has NOT been eliminated. If a player is eliminated for incorrectly cited evidence, and you can prove yours is correct, you can rejoin the game.

Round 4

Partner Challenge

  • You will have one minute to complete this challenge.

  • Pick a partner to write a topic sentence with during the next activity.

  • You are eliminated from this challenge if you do not have a partner/topic selected in the next minute.

  • If you have been eliminated: You can rejoin the game by finding someone who needs a partner in the time limit.

After You Have Chosen a Partner

You and your partner are now in a head-to-head challenge. Only one of you will survive to the next round.

  1. You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to write a topic sentence. The partner that writes the better topic sentence will advance to the next round.

  2. Write a topic sentence answering:

    What is the theme of Long Way Down?

Round 5

Individual Challenge

  • Each corner of the room has a different body paragraph.

  • You will have 3 minutes to read each body paragraph and choose which body paragraph is the best.

  • You are eliminated if you move to the incorrect corner (and choose the wrong body paragraph). You are eliminated if you do not make it to a corner in time.

  • If you have been eliminated: You can rejoin the game by correctly moving to the right corner along with the other players of the game.

Round 6

Individual Challenge

  • You will have 10 minutes to complete this challenge.

  • Please select a shape to stand in front of:

    1. Circle 🔴

    2. Square 🟪

    3. Triangle 🔺

    4. Star

  • When instructed to do so, click the link on today’s Module called “Squid Game: Round 6” and the shape you chose.

    1. Enter the access code.

  • Please write an 8-sentence body paragraph based on the article. Answer the prompt:

    What is Facebook launching, and why are critics concerned?


November 2 & 3, 2022


October 25, 2022