August 25, 2022


  1. Complete the 8/25/22 Bell Ringer.

  2. Follow the Vocabulary Self‐Awareness Chart – Values of News Procedure.

    1. Step One: WRITE IN PENCIL! You will revise as you learn the words!

    2. Step Two: Examine the list of words.

    3. Step Three: Check the + if you know exactly what the word means as a news element, and you can give an accurate example and definition.

    4. Step Four: Check the middle column if you can write an example or a definition, but not both.

    5. Step Five: Check the – if you’re unsure how the word relates to news.

  3. View the What Makes it News? PowerPoint and take notes on the Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart.

  4. Finish filling out the Vocabulary Self‐Awareness Chart – Values of News. Use Google to help you define any words you don’t know.


August 30, 2022


August 23, 2022