August 16 & 17, 2023
Make a name tag!
Review the “About Ms. Del Grosso” PowerPoint.
Complete the Tell Me About Yourself assignment.
Review the English 9H Disclosure.
Complete the Disclosure Review activity.
You will be given a piece of paper in various colors.
On the back of your paper, write your first name and the title of the song you know every word to.
After you have written your first name and the song you know every word to, find your group. Your group will have a paper with the same color as you.
In your matching color group, find the person with the answer to your question or the question to your answer.
Raise your hands (as a group) after each person has found their partner.
We will review the questions/answers together.
If you have accidentally partnered with the wrong person, find your correct partner.
After you have found your partner, each partner will read the back of their paper (your first name and the title of the song you know every word to).
Then, fold your paper in half twice and hold it in the air.
Trade papers with your partner.
Now, you are going to talk to every person in your group. Every time you talk to a new person, you have to switch papers with them and tell them what is written on your paper. After you switch, you must tell your next partner what is written on your new paper, and so on.