August 26 & 30, 2022
Complete the 8/26 & 8/29 Bell Ringer.
Directions: Research the author of Long Way Down and fill in the required information.
Finish the Growth Measurement.
8/26 & 8/29 Bell Ringer
Growth Measurement (RI)
“Harper High School” (Part One)
Bell Ringer
STANDARD L.9-10.3: Understand how language functions in different contexts and utilize MLA format for English.Note: All bell ringers will be composed into a single composite proficiency score at the end of every quarter.
STANDARD SL.9-10.2: Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how it contributes to a topic, text, or issue under study.
Students will be able to use information from their Growth Measure (RI) to inform their reading choices.
Students will be able to identify what real-world problems in the podcast relate to Long Way Down.