August 21, 2024
Starter: 8/21/24 - Being Wrong
On Canvas, find the starter called “8/21/24” on today’s module.
To receive full points on this starter, you must address all the questions posed and write for the full five minutes.
Prompt: What does “being wrong” mean? What is “wrong” knowledge? Does it have value? Are there different degrees to being wrong? What are possible implications and consequences of being wrong? Is being wrong ever “necessary” in the pursuit of knowledge?
Activity: Checks Activity
Set B: Pull 4 checks at a time; without check numbers
Directions: Each team has an envelope containing a series of personal bank checks. A few are removed at a time, and the team attempts each time to construct a plausible scenario that involves those checks. With each subsequent removal of checks, appropriate revision of the scenario is done. Final scenarios are compared by the class. Class discussion is designed to show how the available evidence, along with human values, experiences and biases, influence observation and interpretation, even in science.
After the Activity: Checks Reflection Activity