August 19, 2024
Starter: 8/19/24 - What is TOK?
If someone asked you, “What is theory of knowledge?”, how would you explain it?
What questions do you still have about it?
Journal Entry: Pairs
Can you think of any examples of how our ‘personal and societal affiliations’ (an optional theme) might shape the way we make sense of the world?
Can you think of any additional areas of knowledge (AOKs) that could be added?
Journal Entry: The 12 Key Concepts
Choose any of the key concepts.
What role does it play in the way of your school subjects?
How might being aware of the 12 key concepts help us to think objectively about the world?
Assignment: Course Concepts Gallery Walk
With your group, make a poster for your assigned course concept.
Include the concept, a simple definition in your own words, and an image.
We will do a gallery walk when we are done.