January 10, 2024
Bell Ringer: 1/10/24
FNT: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Assignment: Ethos, Pathos, Logos in “I Have a Dream”
Socratic Seminar: Classic Style is a structured, collaborative dialogue, focusing on a common text or resource, which students have analyzed and toward which they have prepared questions to spur the discussion. This strategy provides a format for students to practice skills in critical thinking, reading, and inquiry, as they participate in the inquiry-based dialogue.
Essential Question: “How can I deepen my understanding of a text through collaborative dialogue?”
Roles & Responsibilities / Rules of Engagement / Academic Scripts
Before: Students identify one or more questions based on a common text or resource.
During: Students articulate their question. Participants use collaborative inquiry to clarify confusion, and deepen understanding. Students appropriately use related academic vocabulary and references to the text throughout.
After: Students reflect on the learning in order to make connections between new learning and previous learning, their experiences, themselves, and/or their world. Students reflect on the Socratic Seminar process to continuously improve as active participants.