September 22, 2022
Complete the 9/22/22 Bell Ringer.
Directions: Consider the following quote and answer the questions that follow.
“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.”– Thomas Jefferson
What do you think Thomas Jefferson meant by this quote?
How does freedom of the press, or the ability for journalists to write without being censored, help keep us free?
How important do you think this freedom is?
Why might people, especially in the government, want to control what journalists write about?
Review the News Covers History PowerPoint.
Complete the News Covers History Assignment.
Directions: Consider this quote by James Madison when talking about the role of the press:
“The great danger [in a republic] is that the majority may not sufficiently respect the rights of the minority.”Write a response to this quote, and consider the following questions:
If we apply this quote to the news media, how can journalists use this philosophy to help protect the rights of the minority?
What can this quote tell us about the diversity of voices, stories, and perspectives we should expect from our news media?
Give examples to support your argument.
Continue working on Article 2.
Upcoming Due Dates
September 22: Journalism Interview
September 27: Article 2