August 19, 2022


  1. Review the Journalism I & II Disclosure.

    Please return the final page of the disclosure signed on Tuesday, August 23.

  2. Complete the Icebreakers Activity.

    • Step One: Sign up for an icebreaker group. Each icebreaker group must have at least 2-3 people.

    • Step Two: Research your assigned ice breaker and find 2-3 examples. Record these examples on the Icebreaker Research Chart (on the assignment linked below).

    • Step Three: Bring your 2-3 icebreakers back to your group. As a group, combine your results and develop an icebreaker to be used with the class/staff at some point during the grading period.

    • Step Four: Develop your Icebreaker Plan (on the assignment linked below) with the group.


Returning Staff: Brainstorm and write down 5 (five) bullet points of what went well last year. Then write down 5 (five) bullet points about what didn’t go so well last year.

  • Focus on your role on the staff, people, and the staff itself, the publication.

  • We will deconstruct this together, so be ready to speak on your bullet points.


August 23, 2022