October 11, 2022


  1. Please complete the 10/11 Bell Ringer.

    • Directions: Please read the article and answer the following with an 8-sentence body paragraph:
      Should the photographer own this photo (through copyright laws that protect one's work), or should it belong to the public (through the "public domain")? EXPLAIN your opinion by writing an 8-sentence body paragraph.

  2. Review the First Amendment Overview PowerPoint (above) and complete the First Amendment Notes.

  3. Sign up for Article 3.

    • Complete the Article 3 Brainstorm.

      • Directions: Write down 3 ideas for each of the following 3 categories in the text box below. Then submit your ideas to the Padlet. You must do both to earn points on this assignment.

      • Optional: Story Pitch Form

    • After you have submitted your ideas to the Padlet, sign up for Article 3 (note: you must be a member of The Horizon to access this page).

Upcoming Due Dates

  • Article 3: due 10/25

    • 10/11 Bell Ringer

    • First Amendment Notes

    • Bell Ringer
      Standard 2.1: Critically analyze content found in print and digital media used to inform, persuade, entertain, and transmit social information.

    • Notes
      Standard 1.1: Analyze and understand student expression under the First Amendment, including protections and limitations, including school district publication policies.

    • Students will be able to understand how First Amendment rights pertain to student journalism.

    • Students will be able to write and produce content for The Horizon.


October 18, 2022


September 29, 2022