September 12 & 13, 2022
Please complete the 9/12 & 9/13 Bell Ringer.
Finish Long Way Down: Poems 1-5 Assignment. Use the Poetry Basics handout to help you.
Reading: Long Way Down (Poems 1-5)
Assignment (digital): Poems 1-5 Assignment
Assignment (paper): Poems 1-5 Assignment
Audiobook: Pages 1-28
Proficiency Scale: Standard RL 10.2
Complete the Citing Evidence Notes.
Take a picture of your completed notes and upload them to Canvas under Citing Evidence Notes.
Begin the Long Way Down: Pages 9-19 Assignment.
Reading: Long Way Down: Pages 9-19
Assignment (digital): LWD: Pages 9-19 Assignment
Assignment (paper): LWD: Pages 9-19 Assignment
Proficiency Scale: Standard RL 9-10.1
Audiobook: Pages 1-28 (start at 2:05)
9/12 & 9/13 Bell Ringer
LWD: Poems 1-5
Citing Evidence Notes
Bell Ringer
Standard L.9-10.3: Understand how language functions in different contexts and utilize MLA format for English.Note: All bell ringers will be composed into a single composite proficiency score at the end of every quarter.
Standard SL.9-10.4: Present information appropriate to task, audience, and purpose clearly, concisely, and logically.NOTE: All notes will be composed into a single composite proficiency score at the end of every quarter.
Standard RL 9-10.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Students will be able to apply their conceptual knowledge of the main idea to Long Way Down.
Students will be able to identify and implement citing textual evidence correctly.
Students will be able to answer analysis questions about Long Way Down and cite textual evidence correctly.