August 23 & 25, 2023


  1. Bell Ringer: August 23 & 25, 2023

    • Directions: Complete the Getting to Know You activity.

  2. Take the Growth Measurement.

    • Directions: You will now take the Growth Measurement (formerly the Reading Inventory). You must try your hardest on this test because it will ensure that you are placed in the correct classes for the rest of the school year.

    • To receive points on this assignment:

      • Screenshot the screen with your final score and submit a picture to this assignment.

      • You will not receive points if you do not submit a screenshot of your score (regardless of if you have taken the test)!

3. After you have taken the Growth Measurement and completed your drawing of a mandala, you will write about it! Finish the Mandala Project: Writing assignment.


August 28 & 29, 2023


August 21 & 24, 2023