September 30, 2024
Starter: 9/30
Draw three columns on a piece of paper and label them “Opinion”, “Belief”, and “Knowledge”.
Think of five examples of claims you would place under each category.
Compare them with a partner and discuss any ways in which your partner would have categorized your choices differently.
Can you create some principles which you can use to identify unique characteristics or which would differentiate the three from one another?
2. Activity: Is everything subjective?
Directions: View the statement (bullfighting is a cultural tradition and therefore should not be banned) and axis.
On your piece of butcher paper, draw the axis on the PowerPoint. You will place the statement cards from top to bottom on your axes as ‘objective’ to ‘subjective,’ and then from left to right as ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ in relation to the statement.
Take a card and read it to your group. Then place the card on the axis according to whether you think the information contained on the card is objective or subjective, and whether you believe the information on the card proves the statement ‘Bullfighting is a cultural tradition and therefore should not be banned.’
3. Activity: What is a belief?
Divide into pairs and write down 10 beliefs you hold.
While writing these beliefs, ask yourself:
Do beliefs need to be supported by evidence?
Can you believe something that you have never experienced for yourself?
Can you think of a belief we all share?
4. Activity: Think of a belief that is disputable.
Complete the belief buster wheel and justify your belief in relation to these 5 questions:
What is the origin of this belief?
What evidence is there to support this belief ?
Is this evidence a fact, and how do you know?
Is this evidence true in every situation and example?
Does anyone disagree with this belief, and why?