August 28, 2024
Starter: Soup, Salad, or Sandwich?
Assignment: Submit a well-developed introductory paragraph that tells your teacher what you’re all about. Consider the following questions:
Who/what/where do you come from? What influences your beliefs? What communities are you a part of (both in and out of Skyline)? What unique or valuable knowledge do you bring to this class? Why are you in the IB Diploma program (or not)? What are you most looking forward to from a class like TOK?
Academic writing tip: do not just answer the questions in a list! Write an actual paragraph and show how skillfully you can incorporate the above information.
Assignment: Read an excerpt from Ruben Abel’s book Man is the Measure. Read underneath the heading “Good Reasons.” Click here for the excerpt
In it, he lists different kinds of “evidence” people use to justify their knowledge. In groups of three, make a poster:
ranking the types of evidence from MOST CONVINCING to LEAST CONVINCING
provide an example
draw a picture representing each type of evidence
be prepared to defend your ranking